
A Message in Liquid Form

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A roleplay transcript by Calliope and Gisele

Gisele Valentein approached the potions counter of The Crucible and gave Flower a friendly nod. She was the go to girl for the most potent potions around. The stuff you could purchase from the Mystic Market was diluted at times. Definitely not worth the coin, and the poisons you could pick up from the Black Market in the undercity, well… You just never know what you are going to get. Nothing would suck worse than killing your mark when you were only trying to disable them for a time. “Hey Flower,” Silver greeted as she bent down slightly to read some of the labels on the bottles within reach. “How ya doin’?”

Calliope Imbeau turned from the shelves of various elixirs she was in the process of organizing to the familiar voice of her friend, Silver. She smiled brightly and took the few steps to the counter, leaning to rest her elbows on it. "Doing well. How are you, sweetie?" she replied, watching her eye some of the labels. "What can I get for you, Silver dearie? Anything special?" she smiled and asked.

Gisele Valentein scrunched up her nose as she read the label of one of the bottles, 'Lizard Saliva', and then snickered as the brunette straightened to address the tall, leggy redhead. “Welp, I have a big order today. I need more of that sleeping potion in powder form, a relaxer in powder form.” She stopped a moment and thought more on her overall order. “It needs to keep someone totally relaxed for several hours,” she said and cleared her throat. “Hmm, maybe a stun in liquid form too,” she added, and playfully rubbed a finger on her chin as she waited a beat. “And do you have a potion for those older gents who can’t keep it up?” Both brows lifted while one corner of her lips drifted upward into a lazy, dimpled grin.

Calliope Imbeau immediately began reaching for the various potions and powders as she listed them off. It was a fairly common list for Silver, and she was accustomed to filling it. She paused at the last thing on the list, putting all the items on the counter to that point and pushing them over toward her. She leaned back down on the counter, leaning her face closer to her and lowering her voice to just above a whisper. "This gentleman wants to, but can't keep it up? Or, do you wish to force him to do so?" Her eyebrows were arched as she asked with a delicate smile on her lips. "I ask only because there are differences in the remedy." She looked over her friend quickly and wondered how her mere proximity alone couldn't solve the problem. She decided it must be something wrong with the guy.

Gisele Valentein chuckled, pushing a fallen lock of hair behind her ear. “Oh I got you. Good question. Hmm.” Her cheeks felt tight from smiling and chuckling so much. She brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose and pinched as her eyes closed. She chuckled more. “Ok, I’m sorry, um…” She cleared her throat again and stepped closer to the counter. “He really doesn’t have a problem getting it up. I suppose this is more of a gag gift.” She leaned her head down into her hand for a moment, hiding the humor on her face while attempting to fully gain her composure. Once she felt she would no longer laugh, she looked up at her friend. “The cheaper of the two, Flower. I just want to see if I can strike a nerve. And can you write something witty on the label? I want the recipient to know what this is.”

Calliope Imbeau nodded her head as she watched her friend's obvious difficulty to control her mirth before detailing her need. She smiled and winked at her, "I have just what you need." she said before turning back to shelves behind her, bending low to open the door on the lower part and pulling out a small vial of clear liquid. As she stood and turned back around, she held out the small vial towards Silver, and didn't place it on the counter, preferring to hand it directly to her. "This, as you can read on the label, is called Lion's Virility. It has a certain mint like smell and taste. So, if you wished to use it unknown to the other party..." She canted her head slightly, smiling at her. "Then I would suggest using a few drops in a strong drink or on food that would not reveal the mintiness." She waited for her to take the vial from her hand, adding, "A warning though... It can have rather powerful effects. So, make certain you are prepared for them." She pursed her lips to attempt to suppress a giggle as she spoke.

Gisele Valentein laughed aloud again as she reached for the bottle and cradled it gently in her hand. She read the label once more, her good-humored smile spreading over her lips. “Ok,” she said, her grin deepening. “I know we won’t get that far. It’s really more about the sting of the message than anything.” She pocketed the vial and then reached in the pouch at her hip to place some coins in Flower’s hand. “Thanks much, Flower. Your shit’s the best. What time are you through here? Thought maybe we could grab a drink at the Rat’s Den. Check the boards. Then I have to run some items over to Millie. You’re welcome to come with me if you’re bored,” she said as she scooped up the bottles and tins of powder.

Calliope Imbeau quickly unlocked the drawer behind the counter, dropping in the coins Silver had placed in her hand before locking it back and sliding the key into her leggings.. "I would love to go to the Rat's Den for a drink, and maybe do some running around with you. Saffie can take care of things here."

“Great, let me drop these off in the chest and we can head down there.” Silver crossed the Crucible floor and stopped at her bunk, placing the items carefully onto her covers. She pulled out a key, unlocked the trunk, then reached for the bottles after she had lifted the lid to the chest. She placed the poisons and elixirs neatly into the trunk, closing everything up and locked them up tight. “Ok, off we go. The best watered down ale is soon to be ours!”