
A Visit Amongst Flowers

published on

A roleplay transcript by Coraline and Gisele

Gisele Valentein stood at the entrance of the Hollow, throwing a glance over her shoulder at the roaming peacock before turning back to one of the nymphs who stood guard by the entrance. “Is Coraline around?” Gisele said in response to the nymph’s greeting. She nodded as the nymph informed her she would need to surrender her weapons, and reached for the two visible daggers, giving a word of warning as she handed them to the flower nymph. “Careful not to nick yourself with those. Poisons on the blades,” she said as she bent down to work at retrieving two more smaller daggers, one hidden in each boot. “Same with these,” she earnestly said, and pulled out three vials of poison from a pouch at her hip. “Ok, I think that’s all,” she offered at last, and the nymph allowed her inside the sanctuary while another went off in search of Coraline.

Coraline sat on her perch on the falls' rock ledge, kicking her legs in the water. She gazed across the hollow whimsically, turning things over in her mind. Her reverie was broken and her attention was drawn suddenly by the sounds of her sisters greeting a visitor. As she focused her eyes lazily in that direction, they widened as she recognized the tavern girl she had met so many days ago. "Gisele!" she cried out standing and rushing over towards her. She brushed aside the nymph that was starting to come find her to throw her arms around Gisele, embracing her while she laughed happily. "Where have you been? I have been to the tavern so many times looking for you." She stopped speaking, and released Gisele from her embrace, looking around at her sister nymphs that were watching them. "Leave us, please. This guest is here by my invitation." She hooked her arm through Gisele's arm and began walking with her slowly. With a softer voice, she spoke as they walked. "I was afraid something had happened to you, like that other girl. Ah...Whatever her name is. Where have you been?"

Gisele Valentein felt as if she had stepped into a dream once she strode further inside. The atmosphere was hypnotic. The most beautiful creatures danced and lounged in beds of flowers and soft grasses, chatting amongst themselves. There were other visitors like herself there too - most all of them accompanied by nymphs, but there were one or two who sat alone in quietude. And then one nymph, Bryonia, caught her attention as she stood in a pool claiming what a fine day it was before delving deep into the enticing waters below. Other nymphs floated in the water and sang the most enchanting songs, while some were in the grasses or pools having sex openly with their mates, but the vision before her was natural, beautiful. Her gaze snapped back to one of the larger pools at the falls as she heard her name called, and recognized Coraline. She saw her bolt toward where she stood, “oh,” she softly said, knowing then that she would more than likely be pulled into a hug. Her arms reflexively wrapped around her fair-haired friend, her face heating at the attention. “Hi, Coraline. I am well. You look…” she hesitated a moment, for to say she looked well would have been an understatement. What do you say to a nymph who was the most beautiful creature you had ever laid eyes upon? They all were so lovely that it took Gisele's breath away. “You look lovely.” She walked with Cora, awkwardly at first from the intimate nature of the nymph’s arm looped through hers but soon relaxed. “Oh, I am fine. I quit work there a few days ago.”

Coraline smiled brightly as they strolled. Hesitatingly at first, for Coraline knew an initial glimpse of the hollow could be overwhelming at first for newcomers. She would take a step or two then feel the tug of Gisele's arm as she halted to look at something different. Coraline would pat her arm with her free hand to assure her and take another step. "You quit did you?" she asked amusedly. "I had also thought that perhaps, you found a wealthy wizard to purchase that crystal orb I gave you. Not that it would matter." she quickly added. "It is yours to do with what you will." She took a few more steps without speaking, and then said suddenly. "I am so glad you have come to visit here. May I show you the gardens and pools? Or have you come for another reason?" Her head turned and bright eyes darted quickly towards Gisele's, eyebrows arched quizzically as she asked.

Gisele Valentein’s gaze moved about the area which was her nature: scoping out the surroundings, looking for shadows, corners, thick bushes in which to hide behind, high vantage points in which to attack, traps in which to avoid, weapons and other valuables on persons. But she soon relaxed deciding the peaceful people within the Hollow meant no harm. They mostly ignored her as she walked with the water nymph across the gardens. The rogue listened well, nodding to her companion. “I truly can’t believe this place. It looks enchanting from the outside, but once you are actually in it…” her voice trailed, almost sounding lost. “Yes, I did quit. Work was too much with Selma missing.” Gisele laughed aloud at Cora’s mention of a wizard. “Ah, if you know of a truly wealthy one then do put me in touch. I may marry him,” she said with an amused smile and gave Coraline a sidelong glance as they ventured further. “No, I would not sell your gift. I am still trying to determine its origin though. I will let you know what I find out if you want,” she offered briefly. “Yes, show me everything if you have the time,” the human said, her eyes still darting to and fro. “I came here because I wanted you to know that I am still around although I no longer work at the tavern, and I had given you my word that I would visit.” She stopped a moment, taking in and admiring the beauty of the statue of the nymph and her lover.

Coraline paused by the statue that Gisele was so obviously admiring, Coraline thought about her words. As they walked on, Coraline leading her, she remarked. "Your attire has changed. No longer with the homely dresses of a tavern maid. But, now you sport leather armor that fits your form rather nicely!" She smiled, giggled softly, and without looking directly at Gisele continued. "Yes, there is no need to look at me that way. I am familiar with armor. My sister nymphs may be ignorant of such things, but I am not. I have even worn such myself, at times." She giggled again and grasping Gisele's hand, she tugged on it. "Come, let me show you one of my favorite places here!" She pulled her, almost running to stand beside the edge of a large pool.

Both brows lifted high in her forehead as the lighthearted nymph mentioned wearing armor. “And why would you ever need to wear armor,” she asked, taken aback by the vision that popped into her head of nymph maidens in armor. Cora’s giggle brought another smile to her lips as she was tugged along. “Ok,” she found herself replying excitedly, finding the pale-skinned nymph’s excitement contagious. Each area within the Hollow offered a new marvel - another sight to behold. Gisele Valentein stood beside her newfound friend looking down at an inviting pool of water. She inhaled deeply the rich fragrance of the sweetest flowers she had ever been surrounded by. She turned her gaze to the right and ran her teeth along her lower lip, as she dropped blue eyes to a beautiful nymph and her unconscious male companion. She watched them quietly, her gaze thoughtful as the nymph removed the emptied glass of wine from the man’s slack grip. The nymph then placed a beautiful wreath of yellow primroses over him as he slumbered and watched him sweetly, conveying to one of her sisters, when approached, that she would stay with him and watch over him as he slept. “I would love to learn more about this place if you would be willing to share sometime,” Gisele spoke softly as to not disturb those around her, and as a means to sway the conversation away from her recent change in wardrobe. “I have heard tales of nymphs, but I don’t know how much is true or how much is fiction. And this place,” her gaze traveled over her surroundings for the umpteenth time. Each sweep catching a moment more interesting than the last. “Is captivating. It feels like another world.” And it was true. She wondered how one would ever have the desire to leave it.

Coraline waved her arm across their view. "This is my most favorite spot, among the many here. I will often sit there on the ledge and let the falling water spill past me into the pool below. It is there I feel most at home in this world." Her finger pointed to the rock ledge and traced the fall spilling over it. She stood several moments in silence, until she turned suddenly to Gisele, her smiling face with a somewhat somber visage. "If you would truly understand and know this place, you would have to know my dearest, Etain." She paused a moment more, as if struggling for the words. "It was she that first breathed life to this hollow and it is a part of her, and with her, and in her, and she is in it." She turned her face away from Gisele, quickly, standing quietly and listening to the water. After several moments of silence, she spoke again, still looking straight ahead to not show the tears in her eyes. "I know of a wizard. The High Wizard of Ansa`fel. He claims me as his apprentice and I claim him as my mentor.

But, we rarely speak of magic and he has various other interests." She turned, finally, back to Gisele with her wet eyes bright again. "But, I do not think he is the marrying sort." she giggled. "And, to answer your earlier question. Why would anyone wear armor but to protect themselves, or others? Had I known, I would have given you a sword from my treasure trove, rather than the orb."

Gisele Valentein’s eyes followed Coraline’s movements as the nymph pointed out the areas she spoke of. The sound of spilling water was like music all on its own in this bit of paradise. She felt she could understand why the area drew Cora there and made her feel happiest, perhaps. The rogue watched Cora’s profile as the water nymph stood motionless for a time, before turning to grace her with a smile, though slightly grave as it was. Gisele nodded as Coraline spoke, recalling the name of her sister, Etain, from a previous conversation at the tavern. She had no idea what the nymph meant by the sister nymph breathing life into a place of interest, and that the place of interest was in a nymph, but she continued to nod as if understanding, her face expressionless. Cora held her attention though, for Gisele did find the whole world of nymphs mesmerizing. Gisele cleared her throat softly at the mention of the wizard. The brunette did not really interact with wizards much if she could help it. She found most magic users of that caliber unpredictable and power-hungry. The only time she found herself interacting with them was when they hired her for a job. That was different. She kept her gaze steady as Cora spoke, and she noted the relationship between nymph and wizard and stored it away to look into later. She chuckled, genuinely amused at the mention of marriage. “Ok, perhaps you will come across the marrying type then,” she said. “I think you’re right though,” she added, looking down to change the subject from wizards and magic, “I’ll wear something more fitting next time I visit you. But then again,” she looked around at some of the bare bodies nearby, “There aren’t many here wearing clothes. In any case, I think I’ll purchase something more appropriate for the surroundings. How deep is the water here?” She said, lowering and pointing her chin toward the pool below them.

Coraline perked her ears at the question of the depth of the water. "Here? Oh we could dive from here. It is deep enough." She turned her head again towards Gisele, giggling again. "Me, marry? I don't think so. That quip was intended to answer your joke, I suppose, about marrying a wealthy wizard. Maybe it didn't seem so funny at the time." She turned back to the stare at the water for a moment. "You needn't change your dress to come here. I am just one to notice certain things. There is something different about you. If you don't wish to share with me, I understand." She turned back to smile brightly at Gisele. "You are welcome to come here whenever you wish or need, regardless of your dress. Everyone needs peace and restoration from time to time. That is what this place offers."

Gisele Valentein had noticed the exquisite nymph’s eyes were damp with tears, and the thief had chosen to look away from them, steering the conversation to some insignificant topic such as depth of water. But she had noted this instance too, and filed it away to inquire about at another time. Perhaps a time when a bit of spirits loosened the tongue so that one could speak freely. “Then the next time I visit we should go for a swim together, if you would like.” She turned her attention back to Coraline, her gaze traveling over the lovely features of her face. She smiled as the nymph giggled once more on the mention of marriage and wizards. “I think we should definitely speak more when we have the time. I have a meeting I need to get to in a bit.” She sniffed again, taking pleasure once again in the intoxicating floral aroma. “Why don’t you choose the place - and, three days from now? We can go where you wish and enjoy all the liquor our little bodies will hold. I will answer your questions, and you answer mine. How does that sound? I’ll treat.”

Coraline giggled at Gisele's invitation to a meeting. "How about the Crescent Moon, just outside the Hollow? I can even read the cards for you , if you'd like?"

"Cards," Gisele repeated, and shifted her gaze toward the entrance, and beyond that to the Inn. "Oh, like a taro reading?" She queried as she turned back to Coraline. "You never cease to surprise me. In that case, yes, it's a date."