
Fire and Brilliance

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A roleplay transcript by Malekith and Etain

Ansa`fel RP: Fire and Brilliance

Malekith Helerodis smiled and reached his hand up to pet the side of her face, brushing his thumb over her cheek while staring into her eyes with such a loving and adored look. "You have done so well, my pet," he said as he removed the restraints from her ankles and wrists. He picked her up in his arms, bringing her to the bed to set her down.

"Mmmm," Etain Moonflower purred into his hand as he ran his thumb softly along her cheek. A delicate pinkness tinted her cheeks as he praised her. "Thank you, Master," she said, watching him as he undid her restraints and took her into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder as he carried her to the bed and closed her eyes, basking in his warmth and love.

"So well, my pet. I have a gift for you…" He smiled and moved back to the bench and retrieved the box he set down earlier that evening and handed it to her. "Here," he smiled and waited for her to open it.

"A gift? Master, I think what just happened in the last little bit was gift enough," she laughed softly and settled onto the bed to watch him return to her with the gift box. She took it from him, her eyes first taking in the gorgeously ornate case. It was heavy, a substantial piece. And she lifted the fastens, pushing the lid back to balance on its hinges so she could peer at the contents within. "Oh," she exclaimed as the scintillation of brilliance and fire within the cut of the gemstones mesmerized her.

Malekith Helerodis smiled at her and he climbed onto the bed, letting her rest herself against him while she opened her gift. "I know, but this is one you can share with the rest of the Kingdom." He observed her reaction to the priceless diamonds as she opened the box and he tilted his head. "I hope you like them. They belonged to my mother, I am told. One of a kind and cut from special Sa'Viir-Arin diamonds." He wrapped his arms around her.

Etain Moonflower laughed softly at the mention of a gift she would be able to share with the outside world. She enjoyed the idea of it, and she found she could not pull her gaze away from the emerald and round cuts. "Your mother's? This is such a special set, my love," she said and sat up so she could fully inspect them. "Master, I mean," she corrected herself. "Thank you. May I wear it now? Would you put them on me? I will never take them off!"

Malekith Helerodis looked at her with a plain smile while she observed the pieces and only nodded in reply to her question, not adding more to it but just letting her enjoy the moment, despite her slight hiccup. "You may." He took the necklace from her and pulled it around her neck, clipping the back together under her hair after carefully moving it to the side to give him access. Once it was on her he would let her observe it as best she could, despite not having a mirror of some kind but then he held his hand out in front of her and in his palm a flat piece of ice would form, perfectly smooth and with the black ice it would be somewhat reflective for her to see herself in. "I hope you never do take them off." She could see his face behind her in the reflection as he stared at her, a somewhat possessive look about the way he viewed her in that moment. His hands moved back around her again.

Etain Moonflower beamed at him as he moved to clasp the collar of diamonds about her neck. Her fingers moved to it, careful not to impart any fingerprints upon the smooth surfaces. As he conjured the flat, reflective chip of ice, she gasped in surprise and pleasure as she peered into it. She noted his expression with a smile of her own and said nothing, her gaze then moving back to the collar. "I will always proudly wear your gifts," she said. There was something she found exhilarating about having a piece of jewelry fit so snug along her slender neck that he put there. It served as a constant reminder that she was his. She inhaled deeply and leaned back into his arms, removing the headpiece of diamonds that she always wore, and replaced it with the large emerald cut diamond headpiece that he had just given her. The two pieces were a perfect match, and she simply could not stop staring at them. "I love you, Master." It was softly said as she placed her other headpiece back into the box. "I am glad I am yours and you are mine."

Malekith Helerodis pulled her tighter to his body while she rested there in his lap. He enjoyed seeing her wear his gifts, something about it also made him feel more controlling over her, and he loved it. "I love you too, Pet. You will always be mine. You will never leave me."

Etain Moonflower felt a distinct stir of longing when he referred to her again as his pet. He constantly reminded her of her place in his bedroom. She cleared her throat and closed her eyes, an impish smile pulling the corner of her lips upward. She wondered if he realized it was he who would never leave her. The light scent of wild lilac washed over her bare skin.

He stroked the side of her face softly, his other hand cupping her breast possessively. "Tell me, how are things going in the Hollow?"

"They are as to be expected. We still continue to help and entertain many, and many continue to visit and bring their offerings for our blessings." She turned her head slightly, though she could not see him fully. "You are a wonderful man, do you know that, Malekith? A wonderful master," she hurriedly added, blushing. "To be at peace with who I am, my nature," she said, referring to her being a nymph.

Malekith Helerodis nodded his head in response. "That's good." He replied in a idle tone, as if his mind was on something else. The ice mirror had by now disappeared and it retracted wherever it had started. Her words would be met with a kiss onto the side of her face and when she looked to him he would plant another on her soft lips. "I know," he replied back to her with a heavy gaze.

Her breathing quickened as his hand continued to explore her, and she squirmed in his arms. "I did want to ask you…." she breathed in deeply, taking a pause, "Would you be okay with my taking Tyrasius into the undercity? I have heard that there are rare species of flowers there and they must be saved. If they fall into the wrong hands, they could easily wither and die, or even be used to harm others."

When she began to ask her question, Malekith simply watched her, his hand continuing to move over her body while she spoke and when the Undercity was brought up again, he squeezed her hard, jaw clenching. Her hurried explanation made him take a long breath and he closed his eyes to think about it.

Etain Moonflower kissed him softly and felt her body responding to his closeness, to his touch. She moaned into the kiss, biting her lip when he became rough. She turned her head away from him, but only to rest it on his chest. "Master, do not be upset with me," she added, her legs parting slightly.

Luckily, he seemed to be in a good mood after their time together that evening. "If Tyrasius is with you. But if it becomes too dangerous, you will be forbidden. Do not make me have to retrieve you myself, or I promise their will be many frozen bodies to be removed." His hands continued to explore her. "None will be spared until you are back. That will be on your hands." His expression was serious, the cold air around him grew even more so.

"Thank you," she offered when he granted his consent. "And I would not dare do anything that would draw you into that place. It is too dangerous for you. You are the King of Sa'Viir-Arin. Your people need you," she said with a lift of her chin. "Master, I should rest. I haven't been able to yet, and I feel as if I am declining."

Malekith Helerodis took a sharp breath and raised his hand to the necklace to once again observe it on her neck. " Very well…" he said as he moved out from under her and stood next to the bed. He reached down and picked her up off the bed easily, carrying her in his arms. "We will get you back to the hollow then." He moved her to the couch and sat her down then retrieved his clothing and that which she had worn the night before. He would bring her clothes to her then begin dressing slowly, his head in deep thought. " You will join me in my chambers after you have rested. I will be waiting for you."

She looked to him lovingly. He would accommodate her, but he made it clear she was to return to him with no further delay. Etain Moonflower lifted a hand to his cheek, cradling it as her eyes swam with happiness, desire, and affection. She wrapped her arms about his neck as he carried her to the couch to sit. "Yes, Master," she submitted as she began to dress, another secret smile playing on full lips as the intoxicating fragrance of rose permeated the air around them.