
It was Bound to Happen

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A roleplay transcript by Coraline and Etain:

Etain Moonflower struggled against the binds at her wrists and ankles. She pulled them this way and that, attempting to free herself, but to no avail. The nymph sat there for a moment, weighing her options. She could call for her sisters, but she knew it would do no good. And the predicament she was in was a little embarrassing. Okay, a lot embarrassing. Etain took in a deep breath, closing her eyes and thought of her sister's face, the image came in hazy at first, and then became clearer as she continued to seek her out with her mind. "Coraline. Please come. My chambers. Bring no one. Dismiss Trillium and do not enter until she has gone." She thought it best to dismiss her handmaiden until things were put right.

Coraline sat on the rock ledge that was her favorite perch, letting the water flow past her and fall to the pool below. She was troubled. She ran her hands over her skin, over and over, trying to wash away the blueish frost streaks that had begun appearing. Suddenly, a familiar face came to her mind, her sister Etain's face. With that vision, she heard her voice in her mind, giving her instructions in an almost pleading manner. She stood quickly and made her way to the Queen's private chamber, dismissing the handmaid as she had been asked. She stood at the entrance to Etain's private chamber alone and looked to make certain she was alone before she entered. "Yes, dear sister?" she called out as she entered and closed the door behind her. "You called for me?"

Etain Moonflower took a deep, soothing breath, releasing it and opened her eyes. "Goddess, it is happening again," she said incredulously as her gaze took in the markings on Coraline's, otherwise, perfectly pale skin. "I thought…" she sighed loudly and tried to backpedal, "I know this looks… well, it is what it looks like," Etain said and gave a half shrug, suddenly at a loss for what to say. "Are you ok, Coraline? I can send for another sister to aid me, but you are the one I trust most." She blinked several times as her gaze roamed over the streaks specking the other nymph's complexion. "I thought this could only happen in the winter months," she continued, nodding at the bluish markings. "What has changed?"

Coraline smiled lovingly at Etain as she voiced her obvious concern. "Yes, it is happening again. As it should not be now, while we near Spring. My spring should be flowing easily at this time." She looked down at the blue frost marks on her arm for a moment before looking back up at her. "Alas, there is a malevolent sorceress that has frozen the land where my spring is. I do not know why or if it is related to this strange sun over our city." Her look changed slowly from a whimsical consideration of her own troubles, to one of genuine concern for Etain. "Sister! Are you bound?" she cried out, falling to her knees on the floor in front of her and reaching out to touch both her arms. "How did this occur? How can I help you?" Her eyes searched for answers in Etain's face.

Both brows lifted as she sat before Coraline, listening to her account for the unusual appearance of the markings that plagued her ever year. "A sorceress. Well, that is something new, isn't it." Her cheeks heated under her sister's gaze. "I am bound, yes. But I am unharmed, Coraline." Etain sniffed indignantly at their state of affairs. "Worry not though, but keep this secret, please." Her eyes searched those of her closest companion. "I fear I have made a grave mistake," she said admittedly, and it took all she had within her to voice it into existence, but there it was. She had made a terrible mistake, and she had miscalculated the outcome of her plan in the most humiliating way possible. "Malekith has bound me, but he will return. He has taken off to attend to the affairs of man." She swallowed, "I have been here in this state for a few hours and have considered my actions." She took pause and then continued, "I didn't heal him as I could have, Coraline. As I should have. I," her voice trailed as she pieced together what she would say next. "This situation I am in is completely my fault. Evil eats away from within, I suspect. I should have mended him with a divine light instead of with our standard nymphai magicks." She let that statement settle in the air between them for a moment. "I just wanted to keep him with me a little while longer. I finally had him to myself, and I could not let go. I wasn't ready to let go."

Coraline ranged her hands down Etain's arms until her fingers found the metal restraints. She rubbed and massaged her sister's wrists, trying to soothe them and make the blood flow return. As she did, she listened to Etain's explanation of what occurred, smiling as she listened. She continued to massage her wrists and limbs after Etain finished her explanation. Then in a soft calm voice she said. "Dearest, there is no evil in you. Wanting to be close to someone, near them, and keep their attention is not evil. You are among the best and truest of all of us. Do not think such things about yourself." She bent herself around her sister and examined the restraints visually and with her fingers. "I think I may be able to remove these if you would like for me to attempt it." She smiled as she leaned back and peered at Etain's face again. "You could have summoned me sooner. I have, ah..some experience with this sort of thing." she giggled softly as she said this. "You needn't ask me to keep this private either. You know I would never tell another soul." Her finger ran across Etain's rosy cheek and to her chin with a loving touch.

"Thank you, sister," Etain quietly said, and favored her with a sincere smile that warmed her green eyes. "Malekith has an evil within him. I think. His eyes, you should see his eyes," she said distantly. "They are black as midnight. His dark veins are prominently visible in his fair skin. It's unnerving." Her eyes trailed over Coraline's face and hands, then arms, looking to the frozen streaks that danced along her skin. "I have something dangerous to ask of you, sister. Please." Her lips parted, but she had trouble forming the words at first. Finally, she made her request, "I need you to heal him as completely as you can. Using your water essence. I think if you do this then he will see the madness of his ways." Her brows knitted together, "Would you? But be careful, Coraline, for his charm is irresistible. Be on guard. He is not himself."

Coraline sat back on her legs folded beneath her and stared past Etain in deep thought as she considered this request. Her mind immediately flashed back to her healing of Iskrin in the upper room above the tavern in the Under City. That little exercise had wasted her so completely. She breathed in a lusty breath and smiled sweetly, once more looking at Etain. "Of course I will do this. For you, I will attempt anything." Her voice quieted as she pondered this task more. "At least I will have clean water this time." she muttered to herself, looking down at Etain's lap.

Etain Moonflower gave a small tilt of her head as she watched Coraline think over what was asked of her. "Thank you, sweet sister," she said, brushing over the clean water remark. "As for these bindings, the chains were summoned out of thin air. I do not quite understand what happened, but they just appeared." She thought more on the nymph's offer to attempt to unbind her, and shook her head. "I want you to save your strength for his healing. That is what is most important. Once the darkness has been expunged, he will see the error of his ways and undo what has been done." She wanted so to reach out and take her sister's face in her hands and kiss away the discomfort she knew she must feel, but her hands were tied. "Make haste, please. And return to me as soon as you can. Soon, we will formulate a plan to help you with this unexpected appearance of markings." She leaned down so they could see one another clearly in the candlelit room, "And remember, be on guard. He is charming still, but not himself."

Coraline nodded her understanding as they bent together to see each other's faces in the flickering light. She reached up to hold her sister's face and she gave her a quick kiss, "I understand dearest one. I will be on guard." she softly replied.