
Lessons of the Heart

published on

A roleplay transcript by Malekith and Etain:

"You will sit here and think about what you have done," he said. "Until I return for you, and I will return for you." Malekith crouched down in front of her and put his hand on her chin, lifting her head to meet his gaze. "You're mine. Forever." He released her and dressed. Once he was done he would head out the door, ignoring anything she would have tried to say to him.

Malekith Helerodis finished up his meeting with Silmariel some time ago, and he was now back in his room at the palace. He walked over to his drawer and opened it up, another box was inside, but this one was different. It was large and not quite as pretty as the one which contained the collar that he gave, and locked, onto Etain. His sweet, sweet Etain. He smiled, looking at the box, running his hand over the top of it as he imagined her bound up back at the Hollow, waiting on him. He reached into the drawer and pulled the box out. Bringing it to his bed he opens it up to have a quick peek inside. Once he was satisfied with what was there, he closed it back up and locked it, turning to exit the room and would head out of the palace. He had instructed the palace guard to assist Lady Silmariel with her experiment, as well as bring her one of the Lizardman corpses to be examined. Doubtful she would find anything off them, but if there was something she could see that no one else had, it could mean a lot to the Kingdom. He eventually found himself back at the Hollow, and he climbed down into the pool, heading towards Etain's bed chambers. The other Nymphs would greet him and he would be friendly and wave, but he had a mission. Opening the door he slipped inside, making sure they did not catch a glimpse of their Queen. He closed the door and waited there, watching her with those black orbs, a plain expression on his lips.

Etain Moonflower sat there as patiently as one could in the position was she in. Her gaze kept returning to the door in hopes of seeing Coraline at any moment. She prayed her sister had been able to meet up with him, and she hoped she had been successful in healing him. She believed her Malekith would return to normal. The nymph trembled, her eyes narrowing into slits as she finished her last thought of him: she hoped her sister had not been seduced by him. Etain turned her head, eyes closing to shun that thought as quickly as she could. She had turned this thought over in her mind more than a few times already, and it would drive her mad if something more than innocent had occurred. It would kill her. She sniffed, wincing as she tried to shift the weight on her legs to her knees. Her arms were pulled tightly behind her where she was bound at the wrists and ankles. She heard the door open slowly and her heart leapt in her chest. Was Coraline back so soon? How long had she been there since she and the nymph last spoke?

But it was Malekith who entered, and she was unable to contain the smile that started to pull at her lips. "Malekith," she whispered excitedly. He came back to her as promised and she anticipated those pale blue eyes on her, perhaps even with a look of embarrassment for the wicked things he had done to her with the evil inside of him. But her heart sank when she noticed his eyes were still dark as the abyss and, as he faced her, his face was void of expression. "How are you feeling," she questioned him lightly, unsure of what to say to the stranger before her. "I hope my sister found you," she stammered, feeling the need to fill the silence.

Malekith Helerodis remained at the door but when he saw the excitement that rose in his pet he would offer her a smile. "What a good girl. There's nothing I like to see more than your excitement when I return to you." He walked forward and placed the box he carried down at the edge of the flowerbed with no other mind to it. His focus was on her and when she hinted at it he tilted his head. "You sent your… sister after me?" His hand reached out for her chin and he took it with his index and thumb, pulling it up so her neck was exposed more to him, her long and beautiful neck, still marked from their previous night together, though fading. " Why would you do that… " he narrowed his eyes some. "And what did you tell her."

His smile could start a slow burning flame that quickly ignited and spread through her veins. He had done it many times. The effect he had on her was intoxicating. The nymph's gaze had fallen to his lips and she watched them as he spoke - spellbound, breathless. Etain looked up at him beneath her heavy-lidded gaze, watching him as he moved with confidence toward her, and her breath caught again when he neared enough to touch her. She gently turned her head in the direction he guided so he could inspect her, and felt color flush her cheeks. "I told her we needed to finish healing you, my love," she softly said, swallowing over a lump in the back of her throat. "We do. I…" her lips parted, mouth quivering at the nearness of him, from his touch. "I did not take care of you as I should have. I am sorry." She inhaled deeply, releasing her breath. "Malekith, hear me. I need you to release me so I can take away your pain. I can fully take away your pain if you will let me."

Malekith Helerodis moved his head as he moved her own, inspecting her closely. " I see. But she has seen you like this, and that is not good." he sighed and released her, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes. Deep in thought now, he did not seem to acknowledge the words that the Nymph spoke to him about healing. "You will have to explain, if asked, that it was not I who bound you. But something else. " He nodded his head. "This has to be our secret, my love." His hand then reached out again to her and he cupped her cheek. "No one else can know our secret." He smiled at her and his hand trailed down the side of her neck and then further, till he was cupping her perfect breast in his hand. "Did you reflect on what you have done…" He released her and crossed his arms over his chest. " Do you have something you wish to say to me? Your… master?" He waited for her to reply. But if it were not what he wanted…

Etain Moonflower watched him wordlessly, quickly trying to form a response to his question. "It's ok. It's ok," she said as if to herself more than to him, and she nodded her head though his attention was not on her in that moment. She gave him a hesitant smile as he touched her cheek and then slid his hand down lower. She gasped at his touch and whimpered into the quiet of the room. She could feel her pulse in her throat. "Of course. I didn't tell her it was you," she freely offered the lie and slid her gaze away from him. Her gaze landed somewhere behind him, eyes unseeing on an open morning glory bloom. "I did have plenty of time to think. I am sorry. You are right. I," she stopped. She could not continue. She could not say more on the subject and she wanted to just distract him again in case he were to see through her lie. "My body hurts, Malekith, would you untie me please? I just need a moment of reprieve if you would please."

Malekith Helerodis sighed deeply. "Maybe not. But I suppose I will find out soon when I meet with her, wont I?" He looked Etain dead in the eye then he put his hand down on the case that he brought with him and he opened it up. "I am still not hearing what I want to hear. When we first got together, I told you I would make you mine." He pulled out what looked like a cylinder shaped object with a rounded head and held it in his hand. "I do not think you are ready yet for that. Or are you?" He started to move his hands towards her and he reached in as though to wrap his arms around her in a loving embrace, but his head stopped next to hers. She could feel his breath on her ear and then she felt him tugging at the only piece of linen that remained on her nude body, the thin cape she wore. He pulled it from her so she was completely naked, not that it mattered. "I do not punish you because I want too," he whispered in her ear. " I do it because I love you. And this is the only way. " He withdrew himself and then turned his attention on the object he held, examining it for a moment. After he had seen what he needed he took it in one hand and slowly brought it over to her, letting it run over her breast. As it passed over her body, Malekith would smile, watching it react to the touch. "This… is a fun toy I picked up from the Mystic Market. Strange little dwarf… but a useful tool.. " He let the object slowly trace down her body until he roamed between her thighs.

"I am already yours," she said quickly, automatically, fearful of what the box held. His breath on her neck caused her eyes to flutter closed. He was taunting her, tempting her, threatening her of what was to come if she did not give him what he wanted. But Etain would not give in so easily. 'This isn't Malekith speaking. It isn't,' she told herself. Surely, it was whatever still existed inside him. It needed to be cleansed.

The instrument he withdrew was odd and it was unlike anything she had seen before. Etain threw her head back and whimpered helplessly into the room. "Oh goddess watch over me," she cried as her body began to writhe. Her thighs quivered as he held the vibrating object there.

Malekith Helerodis smiled as he watched her react to the instrument, working her like it was intended. Despite having no mechanical parts it did give off a feeling as though it was vibrating, but it did not do that either. He assumed magical enchantments. "I can be a generous Master, Etain. Do you want that? But it is the only way we can be together." He grinned wider and continued to explore her body with the object. "Beg for your Master's generosity. "

Etain Moonflower began to realize that she would be saddened this thing between them would not last a little bit longer. She paused and chose her next words carefully, she was not being fair to the king of Ansa`fel. She had deceived him, it was true. "May I heal you now, Master," she asked of him, and she moved so she could turn to face him. She felt her heart throb, it was sinking, but she could no longer let him continue to be in pain, even if it meant letting go of this other darker side of him she had begun to enjoy.

Malekith Helerodis would sit up in front of her when she moved away and he nodded his head. "Very well. Do it… your next lessons will be how to sit like a slave… on your knees and present your body to me fully. I am your Master. You will hide nothing from me." He waited for her to adjust her pose then would let her continue.

Her brows furrowed. This was not something she expected but she did as he instructed, moving into position to sit back on her heels with her legs spread before him. She had seen other nymphs use this position before, but she certainly never had herself. "Yes, Master," she began softly. "Does this please you?"

Malekith Helerodis nodded his head firmly and carefully inspected her, she could feel his eyes move over her entire body. "Now do what you said you wanted."

Etain Moonflower nodded and lifted her hands, palms outstretched, as if to touch the ceiling of ivy above them. She closed her eyes and began chanting an incantation. A glowing light radiated within her, illuminating her skin, and twin orbs appeared to hover above her palms as her eyes opened to look at Malekith. She spoke the last foreign word with feeling and watched it make its way over to him. A gentle explosion of light appeared when it made contact with his skin and washed its golden essence over his body.

Malekith Helerodis felt the light wash over his body and its healing properties take hold, rejuvenating him of the damages that still lingered from the fight at the Winters-End Ball. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, feeling like a weight was lifted off his chest and his body became lighter. As it had she would visibly see that veins in his body begin to pull away, the darkness in his eyes draining out as if it were a dark liquid that filled them, and he closed his eyes for a minute before opening them again to look down at her with a familiar set of icy blue eyes she knew so well. He smiled and reached his hand down, touching the side of her face sweetly. "Thank you."

Etain Moonflower gasped, a small, hopeful smile spread over her lips as she watched the markings clearing up, and the dark pools of his eyes dissipate. His pale eyes were once again present and took her breath away. They were the very eyes in her dreams that had made her fall for him those many years ago. "Malekith," she exclaimed softly, tilting her face to rest in his hand.

He lifted his hand up and examined her leash held in his hand and it attached to her neck. He tightened his grip on it and pulled it tight, lifting her from the ground, and he gave her a dark smile. "Your master is pleased. Shall we go for a walk together?"

She was on the verge of telling him that all was well, to not worry with his behavior as she knew it had been influenced by the darkness that had filled him, but as he examined her leash and smiled, pulling her to him, she realized this side of him was true. She would ask herself much later why she perversely felt relief at that.