
Mead and Mysticism

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A roleplay transcript by Eternatee and Ven-Vyzran.

TL;DR Ven-Vyzran and Eternatee discuss her powerful new heirloom. A shadow comes to Ansa`fel.

:: Ven-Vyzran "Glass of Mead, please," he says to the waitress. She pours the glass and he tosses a couple of coins onto the counter, then steps out into the Ansa`fel morning sun to look around for a seat.

:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Sees Ven stepping out of the cafe looking for a seat. Motions to the seat across from me "Please sit and join me Ven."


:: Ven-Vyzran turns at the familiar voice. "Eternatee," he says with a tusky smile. "With pleasure." He eases his large blue bulk into the metalwork chair which creaks slightly as he does so. He raises his glass to Eternatee. "Your good health, sorceress," he says before taking a long draft. "How is day treating you?"


:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Smiles at Ven then tilts my head at the question. "I'm.. I'm not sure yet to be honest." Looks at the staff that is with me.

:: Ven-Vyzran follows the sorceress' gaze to her staff. "That pretty trinket," he says in his usual broken speech. "May I look?" he asks, hoping to cast his professional eye over the object.

:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Still unsure about the staff or what it can do I carefully hold it out for Ven to look it over. "Do not touch it please as I am still unsure about it. I just know it is for good only."


:: Ven-Vyzran leans forward, his red eyes looking carefully along the staff without touching it. "Delicate work," he says thoughtfully. "Complex geometry for binding and focusing power." He continues to study it, then draws in a sharp breath. "This almost look like Thisari metalwork," he says thoughtfully with some amount of disbelief in his voice. Then he shakes his head. "Can't be," he announces at length. "Thisari work rarer than fae crystal. Where you get it?"


:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Blinks in amazement at the words from my friend. My voice soft when I speak "From my mother. I am Thisari elf. When I went to find out what happened my mothers spirit was still there and she gave it to me. Told me to keep it from her brother Kellam. He wants to use it to become alive again and that he is now darkness.


:: Ven-Vyzran leans back in his chair in surprise. "You Thisari elf?" he asks in amazement. "So many years we know each other. I never know this." He sits and thinks, his eyes looking from Eternatee to the staff and back again. Then he sits forward again. "In my work," he says, speaking urgently, "objects of Thisari much wanted. Very expensive. Be careful, Eternatee." He sits back and thinks some more. "Who your mother then?" he asks at length. "That she have such staff. Who you then, sorceress?"


:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Slowly answers my friend as I ponder everything. " My mother was Faunalyn Belanor. Grand daughter of Tallan. She said the staff was to pass to her and well now it passes to me I guess.

:: Ven-Vyzran scratches his chin thoughtfully. "Only know of one Thisari staff," he says, pulling the information from his vast knowledge of ancient treasures and mystical items. "Given to your," he calculates for a moment, "great-grandfather by goddess, they say." His tone indicates that though this is possible, he probably doubts it. "Legend say if staff used for good then all good. If used for bad then world going to end." He laughs in a deep, basso voice. "Lots of legends say world going to end," he says eventually, once his laughter has subsided. "Could be true, though." He presses one large blue finger against his temple. "Name escaping me," he says, his eyes screwed up in thought. "Yher?" he says. "No, that Ren'Karan Elves' word for bowl." He thinks again. "Have it!" he exclaims at length. "If this same staff, this staff called Dhyaisis."


:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Blinks at the name Ven says. "I read the name in one of the books. But it said the item was lost many hundred of years ago. You think it is possible this is it? There are some Thisari Elves left. They went into hiding by my mothers younger sister Tanelia. She is keeping them safe."

:: Ven-Vyzran nods. "Been in game long enough. Know anything possible," he says with a smile to a woman he has watched growing into her power over the years they have known each other. "In safe hands if true," he says. "Sir Bryan good teacher. You good person." He drains his mead. "What you going to do with it?" he asks, tilting his head to one side as he studies the beautiful elf and her glowing heirloom.


:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Rubs my temple as if to get rid of a headache. "Try to do as my mother asked. Keep it safe and sound from Kellam and anyone else who would want it. Have to keep my eye out for this darkness that could be him. Since I am powerful I am going to have to assume he is as well and being way older probably knows more magic than I.

:: Ven-Vyzran nods. "Dark brothers bad news," he says with some feeling, thinking of his own siblings. "Safe in Ansa`fel though?" His inflection indicates this is a much of a question as a statement. "So many mages here, I think."


:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Nods "That is true. Sighs softly I need to go talk to some of them and get advice as well as warn them about what to expect." Slowly stands with the staff

:: Ven-Vyzran stands with her. “Take care, Eternatee,” he says with affection and concern in his voice.

:: ღ єϮєяηäϮєє ßєäя ღ Nods as I start to head off. "Thank you for the information Ven. Take care till we meet again."

Some hours after the elf and night orc depart, a black form moves furtively through the environs of Ansa`fel until it comes to the Mystic Treats cafe where it pauses, apparently searching. It swirls around the table where the two friends have sat, tendrils of darkness probing the air. After a moment, it makes a satisfied hissing sound and fades into the shadows again.