
Moon Water & Flower Cages

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A roleplay transcript by Coraline, Malekith and Etain

Ansa`fel RP: Moon Water and Flower CagesClick to view more images from this RP

The love Etain had for Malekith was undeniable. The obsession she felt for him, unmistakable. Etain Moonflower wondered, at times, how long the fervency of the relationship would last. Surely it would dim and wither away. Surely. She crept out of bed, leaving her lover to slumber, and made her way back into the adjacent room. Her room. An open, airy space he had constructed for her, and the nymph resumed work on the tasks she needed to tend to.

Etain Moonflower yanked up a few blades of grasses and pulled them apart into small pieces, allowing them to lie spread on her palm as she invoked Posy's Promise. She made quick work of her fertility inducement spell, the stripped grasses dissipating into a fine, soft, pink cloud that danced out from her hands and landed on the ground beneath her bare feet. The nymph queen then leaned to retrieve the two stem cuttings, holding both the celandine poppy and rich rouge pink hollyhock, in her hands. She ran a finger gently over their stems, releasing a pheromone to calm them, to nurture them, and to talk them through her next steps.

They would serve as clones to the mother plants back in the Hollow, allowing her easy passage between the two places when she needed it. Etain Moonflower called forth strong, healthy roots for them and then knelt down, grabbing her little garden trowel while she began to work at digging each flower a home in which to plant them. She tapped the earth around them once they were in their final spot and grabbed a few more grasses, following her earlier process of pulling them into small pieces and then glanced down to eye the blades. A pink and green mist emanated from the torn leaves before they disappeared and spread out over the entire lush area. Her Flourishing Garden spell caused each flower to blossom, each grass to grow high and varied, each vine to twist and climb where possible, and the cherry tree planted in the center of it all, draping delicately over the blossoms, created an exquisite focus point for the room with its fresh bloom of pink flowers. The place smelled heavenly and felt alive all at once.

Etain Moonflower turned toward the open, gated door, and made her way past, crawling back into the bed to lie beside the King of Sa'Viir-Arin. She lay her arm over his chest as she placed tiny kisses up one side of it, trying to wake him. "My love, I've a surprise for you."

Etain Moonflower handed Cora a new wreath she had just weaved together with sister Freesia. "Sister, are you busy? I'd like to take you to the palace today. I've something to show you." She stood back and smiled at the lovely nymph.

Coraline took the wreath from Etain, "How beautiful! You do such lovely work. I would love to join you today!" She smiled, looking up from the wreath in her hands to her dearest Etain.

Tyrasius had been here the whole time, as the shadow of the Queen of the Moonflower was typically. He had mostly spent his time looking out over the canals of the city but on occasion would peer into the Hollow to watch Etain and her sister Coraline speak, overhearing something said between them about the palace. He remained a quiet observer.

Etain Moonflower stepped closer to her, giving Tyrasius a sidelong glance as she did. "Tyrasius will escort us." She lowered her voice so that their conversation could not be overheard, "Will you bring with you any components you may need to set up some type of self-watering system? It's rather hard to explain, but there's an atrium that has been set up, and we are in need of fresh water." She stepped back and peered over at the half-giant guard as she continued, "let me know when you are ready, sister, and we can head over. No rush."

Coraline arched her eyebrows at Etain in curiosity as she mentioned a self watering system, but made no remark. She turned and quickly gathered a few items before returning to Etain, smiling. "I am ready, my dearest sister. At least, I think I am." She giggled as she glanced over to the giant guard that was always in close proximity to Etain.

Tyrasius glanced at Etain when she offered him up to escort the two Nymphs over to the palace, though he did not seem opposed to it. Her voice lowering then he opted to glance back out over the waters, deciding to keep out of the their conversation. After a few, he heard the return of Coraline and her mention of being ready and the half-giant would lumber over towards the two smaller women and eye Etain, not saying it, but it was obvious he was waiting on her word to start moving. In the meantime, a smaller Nymph had scurried over to him and was tugging at his sword, Tyr rolled his eyes and pulled the sword out and offered it to her. "Im.. just walking through…" but it mattered not, and the little Nymph hurried off with the weapon.

Etain Moonflower's eyes glistened as she watched Cora collect a few of her things. "Wonderful," she softly said and turned to Tyr. She started to say something but thought better of it. Instead, she turned toward the main entrance of the Hollow with her sister, eager to show her the beautiful new creation. Two nymphs made their way toward the palace with the large guard, hopefully, following behind them once Yarrow returned his sword to him.

Coraline followed Etain out of the Hollow, up the steps and along the walk to the palace. The giant followed along behind her and she kept glacing back, fearful he might step on her.

Tyrasius waited for Etain and Cora to start moving before he would follow, he did note that the Queen was beginning to say something, and he did focus on the Nymph, but when she stopped herself he only raised a brow slightly and carried on with her out of the Hollow, collecting his sword from the Nymph with a grumpy growl that was more comedical than hostile, rolling his eyes some. Carrying on, his attention was straight forward, keeping a few steps back from the two girls but when Coraline glanced back to him he would look back at her, possibly making himself out more menacing than he already was to the little Nymph. Eventually they would all arrive at the Palace.

Etain Moonflower reached over to take Coraline's hand in hers as they stepped into the palace halls. The Palace of the Falls was expansive, though its size was deceiving to the eye when outside of it. It was riddled with tall narrow hallways, elaborate paintings, and well-lit sconces. Guards were posted in nearly every room and by every door. She led them down the hall toward Malekith's private chambers and entered through the double doors that Tyrasius opened for them.

Coraline followed Etain through the palace, letting her deal with the guards. Her eyes roamed everywhere, taking in her surroundings. She had never really been in the palace before except for a few visits to Rhodan's office, and she wasn't really sure where that was in relation to the path that Etain lead her on. Knowing Etain spent more than a bit of time in the place, she moved close to her and whispered, "It is rather stuffy in here, isn't it? Compared to the Hollow, I mean."

Tyrasius was no stranger to the grand halls of the city palace. Though it had stood for many hundreds if not thousands of years, it remained beautiful and contemporary. A true reflexion of the brilliance of its original designers. When they passed the throne room, Tyrasius would glance inside and spot the King who seemed at the time occupied with guests of the city. Eventually the three would come across the King's chamber, and find themselves inside too. Oddly enough, despite all the guards, it was probably the only room without a guard stationed at its door or inside of it. The closest guard would be down the hall a fair distance away unable to hear anything that could be happening inside, but the doors were always under careful watch.

Etain Moonflower nodded with a grin as she looked to Coraline, whispering, "It is. I prefer our lovely home, don't you? But I think you will like what I have to show you next. At least, I hope you will." She led them around the corner to walk down the next open hall and brought them directly into the atrium. "What do you think?" She said as she spun around admiring the gorgeous lush grasses and wildflowers, the fragrant blooms from the freshly planted flowers and the large draping cherry tree in the center of it all.

Coraline widened her eyes as she glimpsed the atrium, her smile growing brighter as they approached even closer. "How lovely!" she exclaimed. "I had no idea this existed here! It is almost like a small bit of the Hollow." She stretched up on her toes to bring her nose closer to the cherry blossoms and inhaled deeply.

Tyrasius followed them in and stood a distance away from the two while Etain showed off her new home to her sister. He would have left the double doors open while they were inside and now and again his eyes traveled to the hall outside as someone passed, typically just another guard moving to a new location or Palace staff doing their jobs.

Etain Moonflower intentionally kept her gaze from traveling back to Tyrasius, though there were many times when she wanted to look to him. She was curious to know if he viewed her differently since what had transpired between them. Those events she could not wipe from her memory, even if she wanted to. She cleared her throat, turning back to Coraline. "Malekith had this built, and I made it flourish. But we need to get some fresh water in here. I was hoping you could help with that?" The nymph looked to her sister, her gaze hopeful.

Coraline blinked as she looked around, finally turning her eyes upward to the colored glass ceiling. She gazed there for a long while, pondering the possibilities. "You know, dearest one…" her voice was directed towards Etain even though she was still looking upwards. "There are several ways to water this place with fresh water. But, might I suggest the best way, and the most natural, would be to use a spell to create an environment here. That could provide period rainshowers and also cleanse the air in this place." She waved her arm around indicating the surroundings and looked at Etain. "What do you think?"

Tyrasius remained where he was simply acting as a guard for the Queen, as was his duty. He moved a little closer to them, to remove himself from view of the door and sort of be in better listening distance as the Nymphs discussed their workings, really uncertain as to what it was exactly that Etain wanted, though he didnt seem to care anyway.

Malekith Helerodis finished with what business he had in the throne room, and he hopped off his seat and began to head towards his chambers, having spotted the two Nymphs and his Giant guard that he assigned to watch over Queen Etain. Rounding the corner he noted Tyrasius doing as he was told and the King gave the large man a nod, approaching the atrium and the two women inside. "Good evening." he said, smiling at Coraline and then he glanced to Etain who was just a little further in place. "My love.." he greeted the Moonflower Hollow Queen. "You showing your sister around?" His question directed to Etain by he looked to Coraline as he said it.

Etain Moonflower's soft green eyes lit up as her sister spoke of a special spell she could weave. "That would be divine, Cora! How long would it take you to do? And what would you need to do it," she queried, but her attention was stolen by the king when she heard his greeting. "Malekith," she said, her tone giving away her pleasure at seeing him. "Yes, my love. She has grand ideas for the water feature here." She looked back to Coraline, her smile deepening. "My sister is a very powerful water nymph who will be invoking a spell to bring in periodic rainshowers to cleanse the air in our atrium." She said it matter-of-factly, and proudly, as she looked to her beautiful platinum-maned nymph.

Coraline turned around and smiled as she heard the King's greeting. "Good evening, King Malekith." she replied sweetly. "We were just discussing how best to provide fresh water to this lovely garden." She turned back to Etain. "It should not take much time at all, dearest one. Let me do a bit of research and anything I require should be easily obtained." She smiled at Etain and said over her shoulder to the King, "The cycle should also help with cleansing the air in your palace, King Malekith. It should draw moisture from the surrounding air. So, you can think of it as a plus." She giggled softly as she mentioned the last part.

Tyrasius had noted footsteps heading into the chambers and he turned in time to spot the King returning to his room. The large guard saluted the King, punching his fist to his chest and bowing his head lightly. "Your Majesty." He then stepped back and allowed the King room to pass. Once the King was here he opted to remove himself and step outside to allow the three privacy.

Malekith Helerodis smiled between the two as they explained the reason behind this meeting inside his room, though he was neither surprised or upset. "Sounds wonderful," he replied to them both at the explanation of adding some sort of magical water source, though Coraline's added bit of cleansing made him nod towards her, briefly closing his eyes. "That does sound amazing… this room has already becomes a thousand times better with the simple addition of this Atrium, inspired by your beautiful sister. I look forward to this too." He breathed deeply the smells that came from the room as a breeze passed by them, stirred up from the waterfall outside. When the guard left, Malekith would neither look or address him but simply allowed him to go.

"I knew you would know just what to do, sweet sister," Etain smiled as she looped her arm through Cora's. "Also, Malekith has said you can visit me often here when I sleep over. Didn't you, my love?" She swung her gaze between the two and finally landed back to the nymph's face. "I'm sure you could spend the evening with us sometime as well." She took a pause, thinking over the dinner she had with Malekith the night before. "Oh, Malekith, you could take Cora and I to the restaurant at the Crescent Moon. I think she would love it."

Coraline pondered quietly, half listening to the conversation between the giant, the King, and Etain. Something swirled in her head, something from long ago, something she couldn't quite remember. Suddenly, it came to her and she blurted out with excitement, "Oh! Etain! I have it!" She giggled and clapped her hands several times. "A Moon Water spell would be perfect! The showers would occur regularly with the cycles of the Moon! Isn't that perfect!" She clenched her hands excitedly, bounced up on her toes, and beamed at Etain.

Malekith Helerodis idly glanced between the two sisters as they spoke of the process. He focused his eyes on Etain when she took her sisters arm and he had a sort of blank expression, though his smile still lingered. "It would only be fair that your sister is able to visit. Since you will be spending most of your time here with me… " he added. The invitation for Cora to spend the evening within his chambers caused him to chuckle. "That is fine, though I will still have you perform your duties. Sister or not.. " He grinned at Etain and nodded his head once more. "I believe she may enjoy that. Coraline is more then welcome to come with us to dine." He watched Coraline, gaging her reaction. The sudden outburst though made his eyes widen slightly, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Etain Moonflower's brows knitted together as she thought of what the moon water spell could entail. "It does sound like it would be the most natural solution. Oh, Cora, you are brilliant," she softly said, her smile spreading over her lips to match Coraline's. She turned to Malekith as he spoke, her cheeks heating and her eyes darted back to Cora as he mentioned the amount of time she would be spending with the king. She had not informed her sister yet of the new arrangement. But then she also had a solution in place to sneak back over to the Hollow when needed. She cleared her throat gently and nodded to Malekith, "Of course, my love. My duties to you are a priority," her voice trailed off, her eyes twinkling as they met with the king's.

Coraline spun around in a circle happily one time and clapped her hands together. She was very excited that this solution had come to her and she tried to recall what she would need for it had been a long time. Slowly the realization of the import of the discussion between the King and Etain melted into her thoughts and she looked at Etain with still a smile but an exaggerated pout added. "You will be here, a great deal? What will I do without my Dearest One in the Hollow?"

Malekith Helerodis seemed pleased with the response he recieved from Etain and he nodded his head firmly at her. "Im glad to hear it, my love." His eyes fell back to Coraline then, and he took a step towards the sister Nymph. "Coraline… at the ceremony next weekend. I would like to personally extend an invitation to you as well. Mayhap you and your lovely sister escort me? " He glanced to Etain. "I know your sister would be thrilled to have you at her side. And… your support in the events was also worthy of praise." He looked out the window briefly then and sighed. "I'll let you think on that. I have some important matters to attend to. If you will both excuse me.. " He moved inside the atrium to Etain and delivered a little kiss then pulled away, his hand trailing around her in the moment, and as he moved, it grasped her backside giving it a firm squeeze, and then he moved out of the chamber and disappeared.

"Oh most certainly," she said to Malekith as she watched Coraline. "You can make it, can't you, Cora? I think it will be a grand affair." She leaned in to kiss Malekith, and tugged at her lip with her teeth as he groped her. Something in her eyes stirred and then quickly vanished. "I will see you later, my love." She lowered her voice to Coraline when he moved out of earshot. "I…" she nodded, her gaze moving in the direction Malekith had gone. "I will be. But worry not, Cora, I will be splitting my time," she said. "You won't even notice that I am not around as much. Think of it as the days I spend visiting other facets of our Hollow. And I have a way to get back and forth quickly as long as," she stopped a moment, taking pause, and then continued. "Well, I can travel back and forth quickly. Say you will join us for the ceremony, Cora. You will come, won't you?"

Coraline giggled softly as she watched the King embrace and squeeze Etain's backside, then say his farewells and turn and leave. She watched his back as he disappeared from sight then turned back to Etain and reached out with both her hands, offering them to her dearest sister. Smiling brightly, she replied. "You know I can never refuse anything you ask of me, dearest one."

Etain Moonflower took her hands and squeezed. "Oh thank you, Cora. We will have a special time," she said, speaking on the ceremony and then glanced out the window toward the sky. "Is there anything I can get for you in preparation for your Moon Water spell?"

Coraline bounced her hands up and down with Etain's playfully. "I can't remember all of what I need. But, it will not be difficult to obtain." She giggled again, "It has been a long time since I last cast it, after all!"

Etain found her sister's laughter infectious and giggled too. "Cora," she started after a moment had passed, "I have been wanting to explore the city and visit the Moon Willow forest. Have you been there?"

Coraline smiled at Etain's question, "Of course I've been to the forest! You know me, I tend to get around. There is a wonderful market there! Would you like to go?"

"Oh," Etain said, blinking. "Now? I suppose we could! Do you take the boat there?" She led them out of the king's chambers, walking past Tyrasius and then finally out of the palace.