
Rulers of Tirgatha

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Tirgatha's rulers are elected by their merit and skills.

About Female Rulers
Quel'lona has a history of female rulers as does many of the other countries in Tirgatha. This means women hold significant power and authority, both in the political and social spheres, a reflection of the society's belief in the importance of leadership qualities over gender.

Current Monarch
Auroriel Starweaver, the current Queen of Quel'lona, is a powerful and wise ruler who is respected and loved by her people. She is known for her keen intellect, strategic mind, and unwavering commitment to the safety and prosperity of her kingdom. Under her leadership, Spellrest has flourished and become one of the most prosperous and vibrant cities in the entire continent.

As ruler, Queen Auroriel holds ultimate authority over Quel'lona.

The city of Spellrest's ruling council, the Spellweavers, holds significant power within the city and works closely with the Queen to ensure the safety and prosperity of Spellrest. They advise and assist the Queen in matters of governance and defense, and together they make important decisions regarding the city's future. The relationship between the Spellweavers and the Queen is one of cooperation and mutual respect, each recognizing the important role the other plays in the city's success.

The Spellweavers are the ruling council of Spellrest, consisting of representatives from the noble houses and great merchant houses in the city. They are responsible for governing and protecting the city, as well as upholding the law and maintaining order.

Each member of the Spellweavers is a skilled practitioner of magic, and their primary duty is to use their powers to defend Spellrest from threats, both internal and external. They work closely with the Queen and her advisors to ensure the prosperity and safety of the city.

The Spellweavers also serve as judges, arbiters, and mediators in disputes between citizens of Spellrest, using their wisdom and knowledge of magic to settle disagreements and maintain harmony within the city.

Membership in the Spellweavers is a great honor, and those chosen to serve on the council are typically the most skilled and respected mages in the city. The council is also responsible for selecting and training new members to ensure that the tradition of responsible magic use and governance is upheld for generations to come.

More about Queen Auroriel
Auroriel, the daughter of Queen Eliyana, was raised to be a wise and just ruler like her mother. From a young age, she showed great potential and an innate talent for magic, just like her mother. Under Eliyana's tutelage, Auroriel learned to harness her powers and use them to benefit others.

As Auroriel grew older, she began to take on more responsibility in the city of Spellrest, where she lived with her mother. She proved herself to be a capable and compassionate leader, and the people of the city quickly grew to love and respect her.

When Eliyana passed away, Auroriel was devastated but also determined to continue her mother's legacy of justice, compassion, and respect for nature. She ascended to the throne with the support of her people, and quickly set about implementing her vision for the kingdom.

One of Auroriel's first acts as ruler was to establish a council of advisors to help her make decisions and govern the kingdom. She sought out the wisest and most knowledgeable individuals from all walks of life, including scholars, merchants, and even members of other races, such as dwarves and humans. This diverse council ensured that Auroriel had access to a wide range of perspectives and expertise, and helped her to make decisions that were fair and just. The council is made up of members from the Spellweavers council and other trusted advisors chosen by the Queen.

Under Auroriel's leadership, Spellrest continues to thrive and prosper. She has implemented policies that protect the environment and promote sustainable living, while also investing in education and infrastructure to improve the lives of her people. Her reign is one of peace, prosperity, and a deep respect for all forms of life.

Despite the many challenges she faces as ruler, Auroriel remains steadfast in her commitment to her people and to the values she and her mother held dear. 

Former Monarch
Queen Eliyana Starweaver was born into a noble elven family in the lush forests of E'llaen Eldar. From an early age, she displayed a natural talent for magic and quickly became known for her skill in weaving powerful spells that could bring forth the beauty of nature and bend it to her will.

As she grew older, Eliyana became increasingly concerned about the state of the world beyond her peaceful forest home. She saw how the forces of darkness and tyranny were spreading their influence, threatening to destroy everything she held dear. Driven by a fierce sense of justice and a desire to protect the innocent, Eliyana began to venture out into the wider world, using her magical abilities to aid those in need and fight against the forces of evil.

Over time, Eliyana became renowned throughout the land for her courage, wisdom, and compassion. People from all walks of life came to her seeking guidance and protection, and she became known as a champion of justice and a symbol of hope.

Eventually, the people of Quel'lona began to clamor for Eliyana to become their ruler. Despite her reservations about taking on such a responsibility, Eliyana ultimately agreed, believing that she could use her position to make a real difference in the world.

As the new ruler of Quel'lona, Eliyana worked tirelessly to improve the lives of her subjects, using her magical abilities to heal the sick, restore damaged lands, and protect the city from harm. Her reign was marked by prosperity, peace, and a deep sense of respect and reverence for the natural world.

Despite facing many challenges and obstacles along the way, Eliyana remained steadfast in her commitment to her people and to the cause of justice. Her name became legend, and even after she passed into history, her legacy lived on as a shining example of what it truly means to be a leader.

The ruler's spouse does not automatically become a co-ruler or gain any official title or power. However, depending on the circumstances and the personality of the monarch, their spouse may have some level of influence or involvement in the government and affairs of the kingdom. If Queen Auroriel were to marry, it would ultimately depend on her and her spouse's choices and decisions on how their relationship would affect her rule.